Monday, March 19, 2007


There is a passage in the Bible in Acts 16 that never fails to ignite my curiosity. In this section of Scripture, Paul and his companions are traveling around the ancient world spreading the good news of forgiveness through Jesus and planting new churches. What is odd is in verse 6 where apparently Paul was ‘prevented by the Spirit’ from preaching in the province of Asia, but then, in the next few verses, Paul has a dream or vision showing someone requesting to hear Jesus’ message, and so, Paul concludes this was also God and thus enters Asia. It’s even more interesting to learn that from that point on, Paul and his traveling buddies face some pretty tough resistance to their ministry of telling Jesus’ story. You might think they’d start doubting that vision.

The reason this Scripture has always made me feel a bit unsettled is because I wonder what messages God has directed toward me through dreams and visions and through the Holy Spirit, and, I’ve been too boneheaded and missed them. In fact, I’ve wondered how of God’s direction we’ve all missed. So, recently I’ve resolved to try and give God more and more opportunities to speak into my life His plans. In Bill Hybel’s book Courageous Leadership, Bill highlights ways to maximize our ability to hear and receive vision from God, which he forms in a series of questions like: Have we totally given God our lives? Have we asked Him about what vision He’s got for us? Have we fasted? Have we prayed? Have we been quiet and waited in silence for Him? Have we cleaned up sinful patterns in our lives? Have we weeded out all the distractions and noise that would keep us from hearing what God might be saying? Have we read about, traveled to and looked at areas where God is already working for inspiration? (pg. 37 & 38 of Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels Zondervan © 2002)

As we enter year 3 as a church, I pray that we would all get rid of anything that prevents us from really hearing from God and seeing His vision of where He wants to take our church!