Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wonder Struck

I have been rereading a book called Your God is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan and I ran across something that really spoke to me. Buchanan writes of the need for us to let the Bible, and God, be a bit mysterious and awe-inspiring rather that cold, meticulous, safe and comfortable. Rathern than disect everything to death, we do well to let God's truth be discovered in the story and in the wonder. He writes on page 60, "The worst consequence of losing our imagination, our wonder, is that we no longer see the Christward life as an adventure. We see it as a duty, a chore, a list of dos, don'ts, and how-tos...the stories we read in Acts about the church 'turning the world on its head' (Acts 17:6) - well, what would that kind of thing do to our tax-exempt status?'" We could really do our community, our church and our families a great justice by getting ourselves wonder struck! Well said Mark!


Bill Lewis said...

I reread that book last year - it was a good reminder of why I'm here, doing this thing that I do. Have you read anything else by him?


Benjy said...

I don't think I have...I just started Simple Church by Thom Rainer...