Wednesday, September 21, 2016


As the mornings grow a bit colder and the evening comes quicker, I have been reflecting on the last several weeks.  I've handled about 4 funerals.  I officiated a wedding.  I'm facing my last class needed to complete a Masters degree and my daughter got married.  My son will have his license soon and he's got a car.  In all this, my wife is back at full time work and we're getting more used to our new smaller house.   Tomorrow I'll have another coaching session with a guy who moved his family to New Zealand to plant a new church.

In the midst of all this I realized that I have probably prayed more this year than any previous year.  God is still in charge and He still speaks in the quiet.

What will the fall season bring?  This past Sunday, in speaking about being devoted to prayer, I shared this statement taken from Paul E. Miller's book A Praying Life:

If you are not praying, then you are quietly confident that time, money and talent are all you need in life. (p49)  This is functional atheism.  You simply cannot do this life alone.  Jesus knew this, so, MAKE TIME TO PRAY.

Whatever comes, I know that staying close to the Lord in prayer will be the rock for this guy!

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