Wednesday, February 15, 2006

'Built to Last' is a great book!

I recently finished reading this book which focuses on companies that are visionary. I was intrigued by the common sense approach the book takes to reviewing how these companies built their legacies - by keeping to their core ideology and changing strategy as markets and times dictated. Great organizations have great values that remain consistent...churches are no different. Yes, all Christian churches have a common 'cornerstone' value which is the work of Jesus Christ and His Lordship, however, they can go astray when that core value gets replaced or buried with church growth strategies and programs and techniques, etc. My vision is for every local Christian church to have a unique way or culture of doing ministry while still maintaining the core Christ ideology. We'd see great things occur in the Kingdom of God when the church steps up to the plate, offers its' best workers and work and keeps on the edge of innovation while still maintaining the core values - that's visionary!

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