Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Did the original disciples of Jesus have 'quiet times'?

I've always wondered if the fascination we modern Western Christians have with devotions and quiet times is at all Biblical or first-Century. I lean toward no, but, since I wasn't around when the disciples headed up the early Church, I guess I'll never really know. I started reading a book today written by John Ortberg called "The Life You've Always Wanted" and I'm beginning to question the way I've always measured spirituality. It's been so quarantined off in our culture that it seems like a separate function than things like career, family or recreational life. God is interested in every part of our life, not just the spiritual one. So, spirituality is in everything we do - it's all important. If that is true, then even how we work, or think or relate to each other can be part of our 'devotional' life. This is a big deal for me, a type A all the way. Maybe I can stop defending my spirituality to people who ask me. Maybe I can humbly start to live by what Jesus commanded - love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul & spirit...

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