Monday, February 13, 2006

End of the Spear...heavy film!

I recently got a chance to go to the theater and check out this new film about some incredible missions work in Ecquador that began 1/2 a century ago. I didn't read much about the film before I saw it and I assumed it would focus on the Elliots, Jim (who was killed) and Elizabeth, simply because their names are so well known in Christian circles, but, I was wrong. The film brought to light the perspective of the pilot's family (who flew in the original missionaries in the mid 1950's) and that of the native tribe. Since I have a son, and since the pilot (Nate) also had a son, it was difficult to see how the young boy dealt with his father's death and then the years of anger and bitterness that eventually led to the boy (now grown up) developing a friendship with the tribesman who actually killed his father - what a story of forgiveness! I highly recommend the film, but, be aware, it is not for the faint of heart! Cheers...

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