Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Cross-dressing friend

I just found out that a friend from across the pond likes to dress up in women's clothing and has a different name when he does so. He was worried that my wife and I would not want to continue being friends with such a revelation. I must admit I was shocked, but, I certainly don't see any wisdom in ending the friendship. I let him know that my wife and I were not into that scene, but, that we support them as friends and continue to care for them. I believe that God made us to be creative people, and, cross-dressing is certainly creative in some sense, so, I'm not sure whether or not it would actually be considered sin. I'll have to study this out a bit. I mean, could a follower of Jesus have such a hobby? What should the church's stance be, Biblically speaking? Food for thought here...

1 comment:

Benjy said...

good comments man! you are so smrt. guilt is a good thing sometimes but other times it can cause paralysis. plus, it might be dangerous to label anything we're not feeling guilty about as 'ok' is my friend lusting after femininity? yes, it is quite strange to us who do not find cross-dressing even the least bit tempting.