Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Our Spiritual/Physical Body

A friend at church recently brought up a subject that I must admit I'm intrigued by...the idea that our spiritual and physical natures are much more connected than we might initially realize. What we do with our body affects us spiritually. In fact, Jesus, in the New Testament, fully embraces physical humanity walking, eating, drinking, crying, weeping, working, etc. He does all this, and yet, He is also God - and God is Spirit. This is profoundly interesting to me. We tend to separate our spirituality into a back corner or at least back in a place where it can be in our lives but not too connected to everything else. I don't think this is possible for a follower of Jesus! Look, some of the most profound activities we do as a community of faith is physically act out our faith - even in our worship (bread & wine for communion, water immersion baptism, raising our hands, getting on our knees in prayer, etc.). So, I'm pondering how to better embrace and integrate my physical and spiritual connectedness as a follower of Christ. I think that's being more like Him...WWJD...

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