Saturday, March 11, 2006

Babies - Creation's Replay

Over the past week I've visited 2 couples in the hospital to greet their newborns into the world. What a wonderful way to remember the amazing miracle of creation all over again. None of us were around when God originally created the world so, for us, this is maybe the closest we can come to seeing a glimpse of how it would have been...amazing. I was thinking about this - how birth and death are moments when humanity is closest to the 'other side' - the unseen realm where God exists unhindered by the concerns of flesh. My kids were singing a hopeful old spiritual about death - from the latest Duhks album, and I was thinking how it is sort of a cool thing to picture death as the gateway to eternity with God - a celebration of a life well spent and the excitement stepping into the realm of eternity...again, amazing.

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